Why ClinIntell?

Because accurate severity reporting has evolved to impact more than just reimbursement!

Improving performance across a large complex organization demands a focused, 80/20 population-based approach that cannot be achieved through traditional benchmarking and DRG group-level analyses.

why clinintell

Why choose ClinIntell?

True severity reporting performance and opportunities simply cannot be assessed using traditional descriptive statistics and productivity metrics. ClinIntell has pioneered patient population severity reporting which means:

Expected Values

Expected values

 We analyze your unique and ever-changing patient population providing O:E performance ratios and metrics.

No more benchmarking

No more benchmarking

 We have removed the reliance on benchmarking as an approach to assess performance and identify opportunities. Why? Because your patient population is unique to you!

Access SMART Goals

Access to SMART Goals

 Set SMART Goals and strategies based on specific initiatives of interest at your organization —CMI, Elixhauser, HCCs.

where it matters

Performance and actionable data where it matters

 Get access to severity reporting assessments with insights down to the individual provider based on their unique inpatient population.

What our clients are saying!

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"Partnering with ClinIntell impacts our health system by directing our focus to key diagnoses and has given us insight on drivers of CMI and Quality. We are better able to assess areas of opportunity and address them at a group and individual level."

Dr. Albert Soriano

Dr. Albert Soriano

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"After following traditional Clinical Documentation metrics, we needed something outside of the traditional box. ClinIntell offered exactly what we were looking for, ways to improve documentation at the provider level, comparing to the severity of our patients, was exactly what we received."

Tracy Boldt

Tracy Boldt


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"ClinIntell has changed the entire tone of conversations with senior leaders, clinical leaders, and our coding and documentation improvement teams. By scoring documentation against our own cohort of patients, we are able to set more meaningful goals and establish an action plan to achieve them. I highly recommend ClinIntell to any CDI program hoping to maximize their quality and financial performance."

Senior Manager

Large healthcare system on the East Coast
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"The ClinIntell software tool not only has been a great addition to our CDI team, but it has been adopted by service lines, departments leads, and provider leads within our system to help target under documented conditions and where provider education is needed. The ClinIntell team is amazing to work with and they have been supportive on a regular basis to help us and provide recommendations and guidance over the past few years. The training was smooth, the software is easy to use and the reports take no time to run. ClinIntell has been a game changer for us."

Tracy Boldt

Tonya Demyon


ClinIntell is right for you if...

You are frustrated by the lack of true performance and actionable data when using benchmarking methodologies.

Your patient mix is unique to you and constantly changing—even amongst providers at the same hospital and in the same specialty group. Whether you are benchmarking your performance against a carefully chosen external cohort or against your peers at the same hospital, benchmarking can be misleading since it is not necessarily a reflection of available severity in your population.

You want to empower providers with both severity reporting performance and actionable data to affect change in documentation practices.

With ClinIntell, you can access provider-level performance data and clinical condition reporting that empowers providers to get proficient on accurate documentation on a short list of high-opportunity clinical conditions. Sharing credible clinical performance data that uses a favorable attribution methodology is also crucial to affect long-term sustainable change in documentation practices.

You want to know where the true opportunities lie within your organization and measure the overall impact of different interventions to improve severity reporting.

Severity reporting is a team sport, and many different initiatives need to align to achieve impact at the population level. Since ClinIntell’s analytics are population-based they will detect a signal when any intervention to improve severity reporting is implemented. Relying on traditional CDI metrics to assess performance and identify opportunities at the population level limits the assessments to the scope of the CDI alone.

You want more timely reporting of performance data.

Since ClinIntell does not have to benchmark your data against a cohort, there is no delay in publishing performance data compared to other industry reports where you experience a 2-3 month delay. Once data is received and vetted at the end of each month, we publish results in just 24-48 hours.

You want a data-driven education platform and/or curriculum.

Our Provider Training app allows you to seamlessly deploy training on a short list of conditions to each provider. However, if you already have a robust internal education program, you can utilize our insights to focus education on a target list of conditions for the providers with the highest opportunity. You can also measure the impact of your efforts via monthly reporting on the performance of those specific conditions.

You wish for easier and more accessible reporting capabilities to share data with providers and other stakeholders.

Our suite of reports allows for convenient data sharing that has relevant insights for different individuals at your organization. In addition, there is no data crunching required on your part.

  • Providers: can see their severity reporting scores and a short list of conditions on which they can improve
  • Educators: can see a focused list of physician groups and providers so they can make the most impact related to education
  • C-suites: can see the performance for the entire health system/hospital